The latest from Kennedy Events’ expert production team
Keep the Spark Alive: Scout Leans Into Fun
With such a unique waterfront space and a lively crowd, there are so many details to share about the SPARK Conference at Pier 27 in San Francisco, Calif. As large corporate event planners, a client who wants to blend creativity with real business is a dream come true. We’ve previously shared a few of the elements that made this event such a success. Now we’re going to dive a little deeper into what made the SPARK Conference such a smashing success with the 700+ attendees who joined us for two days on the Bay.
Creating a Path to Customer Success with Adobe
As event planners, our client’s success is our success. Partnering with Adobe for a multi-show and multi-format program spread globally across several time zones gave this small team the opportunity to provide significant impact, supporting our client each step of the way. In this case study, we’re sharing the challenges of reaching a global audience and how we overcame them to reach Adobe’s vision of success.
Securing Extraordinary Spaces: Our Favorite Bay Area Venues of 2021
Kennedy Events Creative Director and Senior Producer Marianne Jackson recently sat down with three of our favorite venue managers to dig into these dynamic partnerships and discuss the top venue trends they foresee for 2021 and beyond.
Event Spotlight: How a Bit of Creative Kindling Ignited a SPARK
Looking to ignite a creative spark for your next corporate event? The KE team has the kindling and the match to ignite flair and finesse into your conference. When we were approached to inject some creativity into a software procurement conference, we knew the keys to success would be having a clear vision and providing compelling content. The beautifully branded, two-day SPARK Conference was so successful attendees didn’t want it to end.
Secrets of a Corporate Event Planner: What you don't know about hotel contracts (but should)
When you’re planning a corporate event at a hotel, you need an agent on your side before signing the dotted line. We’re spilling everthing you should know, but probably don’t about hotel contracts.
Five Ways to Make Smart Spending Choices, No Matter Your Event Budget
Here at Kennedy Events, we know that even a million dollar event budget has limits. And when hosting an event, you’re faced with limitless options in every facet of the event. So one of our major roles in planning? Helping you make the most strategic use of your budget, no matter the size. =
Today, we’ve pulled together Spend and Splurge options for some of the most common elements of an event, like the food, decor, and entertainment.
How do you decide what you want areas to splurge on?
The Most Important Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring an Event Manager
It’s only February, but event prep season is coming up (we know, we’re just getting over the holidays too!). It may seem absurd to start planning now, but the year’s best events get planned months in advance, sometimes more than a year in advance.
And the very first step to planning your event (other than your venue, of course!)?
Finding the perfect event planner.
The One Thing You Need to Know to Create a Realistic Corporate Event Budget
Want to know the question we get asked most often?
What kind of event can I get for $XYZ,000?
It’s the million dollar question...literally.
But the truth is, we just don’t have a rinse and repeat and answer for that question. An event is so varied, so complex, that there is no set formula for what it might cost.
Our 2017 by the numbers
2017 has been a banner year for Kennedy Events. We’ve had one of our most exciting years in business yet, with the best clients an event planner could ask for, plus a new rebrand and website for ourselves
You're Not Ready to Have an Event
Sure, we talk about the how and why of events all the time here at Kennedy Events HQ. We love them!
But guess what? Not everybody is ready right.this.minute to host a live event...