Team Introductions: Meet Event Planner Caitlin

Meet Caitlin, the latest addition to our Kennedy Events team. After an exciting two years of planning and executing the Special Olympics National and World Games in Berlin, she joins us as an Event Planner from her new home in San Diego, California. A Chicago native, she’s traveled the world for work and brings her global event experience and a knack for taming tangled event logistics to our talented team. 

Kennedy Events: How did you get started in the events industry?

Caitlin Chismark: Well, my journey into the events industry was quite the adventure! I started off studying Psychology at University, but quickly realized it wasn't my long-term passion. Lucky for me, some PR and advertising friends introduced me to a program that had a fabulous side dish: event planning! I dove headfirst into the public relations program, aced the event planning courses (both basic and advanced), and snagged some amazing internships along the way. Living in Chicago opened up a world of opportunities, and I happily embraced each one and haven’t looked back since!

What’s your favorite aspect of the event planning process? 

The absolute highlight of event planning has to be the magic of being on-site. Witnessing everything click into place, the smiles on attendees’ faces, and the buzz of vendors on-site; it’s the moment when all those plans you’ve brewed up on your computer screen for months and months culminate in a tangible experience and spring to life right before your eyes. 

What is your favorite event moment? 

Picking favorites is never easy, but if I had to crown a champion, it’d be the grand finale of the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin. After two years of non-stop planning, it all came together in an epic spectacle at the historic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. During the closing ceremony, with fireworks painting the sky and the game’s anthem soaring, all of my colleagues and I were locked in a group hug, tears of relief and bittersweet joy streaming down our faces. It’s that feeling of reaching the finish line after a challenging journey, a mix of elation and relief. It was a really beautiful moment of celebration and at the same time, it was a chapter ending.

What’s one thing that surprised you about working for Kennedy Events?

It’s the incredible accessibility and warmth that radiate from the entire team, every single day. Despite their hectic event schedules and me still getting the hang of things, I’ve found that everyone is not just approachable but genuinely kind. There’s not a single person I can’t turn to for guidance. Even the busiest bees, like Marianne who’s booked around the clock, always find time to lend a helping hand. In the world of events, you’d expect busy to mean “no time for anything else,” but here, it’s all about open arms, a warm welcome, and a willingness to learn and support. It’s the magic that sold me on this company and this team! 

What’s your favorite part of your job?

I’m enjoying planning the team retreat. It’s been a lot of fun as I haven’t planned anything for an internal team before. It’s been a unique opportunity and I appreciate that I was able to raise my hand and say, “Hey, I’m interested in this,” and have the team rally behind me to make that possible.

What are the five tools you can’t live without? 

  1. Fanny Pack. Honestly, I replaced my purse with a fanny pack a while ago because I just find it so much easier. Living in big cities, it’s just easier to have on public transit and when I’m on the go, but at events, it’s amazing as well. Best part? You can put snacks in there.

  2. Spotify. I love putting on my favorite playlist and zoning into work. There’s nothing like jazz to help you focus.

  3. Google Calendar. I was a scheduler before becoming an event planner, so I just like calendars. I even schedule out my personal life. I wouldn’t know what I’m doing when I wake up every day if I didn’t have my life calendared out.

  4. Teacup. Having a full tea cup within arm’s reach is one of my ways to recenter myself throughout the day. Drinking tea and snacking on candies is one of my indulgent acts of daily self-care.

  5. G2 Pilot Black Pens. These pens are my favorite! I may take digital notes during meetings, but when I find myself reaching for a pad and paper these are always my go-to’s.

Where do you find inspiration? 

My fantastic friends! In school, I was a part of all sorts of groups, both event-related and not, so I’ve got pals in the events world and those on the fringes of it. Whether it’s work or life, our shared interests and vibrant discussions spark creative ideas that just flow naturally. They’re more than friends; they’re my chosen family, my go-to source of inspiration!

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Thailand. I just love Thai food and the country looks incredible and like no other destination I’ve ever seen.

If you could choose a superpower what would it be? 

No question: teleportation. That way I could transport myself to Australia to visit friends and back to my cat all without the expensive price tag of flying.

What’s your typical weekend activity?

I love a good cozy weekend. Spending time at home, watching movies and TV shows, cuddling with my cat, cooking with my boyfriend, and doing at-home date activities like painting are my jam. I’m not just a homebody though. When I’m ready to go out, I love ABBA disco nights in downtown San Diego. People dress up, there are fun lights and a themed drink, and everyone thoroughly enjoys the music. It’s a fun scene. 

What’s your comfort food? 

My favorite comfort food is this lemon pasta that I make, but I’m certain that it is not nearly as good as if I go to Italy and try pasta. It all started with a restaurant in New York called Little Frankie’s, which I adore. They have this lemon pasta that I tried years ago, and I wanted to replicate it and make it at home. It’s just butter, lemons, and cheese. Super simple, really tasty.

What’s your favorite after-hours activity?

I want it to be pottery. I just started taking a course and I can already tell it’s going to be my new favorite hobby. Outside of that, and keeping with my cozy theme, I love a good bath. 

Ready to Learn More About What Our Team Can Bring to Your Event?

The team at Kennedy Events excels at incorporating opportunities to delight at every stage of the event planning process. With a clear roadmap to event success, we champion our knowledge, resources, and connections to ensure your event goes off without a hitch. Whether you’re planning a live, in-person event, something in the virtual realm, or a hybrid with virtual components, our event experts are here to guide you. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with us today.


Maggie Kennedy is the co-owner of Kennedy Events is a large-scale event management company based in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City. Our team creates stress-free conferences and events with a positive impact, which allows our clients to resonate with their audience. Kennedy Events specializes in producing flawless product launches, award ceremonies, fundraisers, and multi-day conferences while keeping our eye on retention and engagement goals.


About Kennedy Events

Kennedy Events began with one goal in mind—to produce high-level corporate events with just as much strategy as style. Maggie founded the company in 2000, found her match in Paige, and in 2011 the two became official partners. Since then, these two resourceful and brilliant creatives have pooled their strengths to build one one of the most the most sought after corporate event companies in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles.


Make sure that your event is as valuable to your company as it is meaningful to your attendee.


We’ve (nearly) done it all when it comes to large scale events.

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Maggie Kennedy

Maggie founded Kennedy Events in 2000 and has been Chief Everything Officer ever since! She’s a master at keeping clients and her team happy, plus brings the fun to every function. Her days are filled with things like logistics, sales, and, of course, putting her 20+ years of creative event strategy to work. She likes a life filled with adventure, and when that’s not happening in a ballroom, she’s found that on a 600+ mile bike ride to LA, on hikes in the Himalayas, and under the stars in an Indian desert. The world beckons, but nothing beats coming home to the Bay Area, and her two kids, fiance, and spunky cat.


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