The latest from Kennedy Events’ expert production team
Our Favorite Venues for Corporate Events in San Francisco (and Beyond!)
At Kennedy Events, we love great event design, but we don’t simply design an event to be beautiful just for the sake of being beautiful. There’s an intense amount of strategy that goes into every detail. If you’ve ever attended our events, you may not have noticed this—and that’s the telltale sign that we’ve done our job well.
Turning Challenge into Opportunity
At Kennedy Events, we love great event design, but we don’t simply design an event to be beautiful just for the sake of being beautiful. There’s an intense amount of strategy that goes into every detail. If you’ve ever attended our events, you may not have noticed this—and that’s the telltale sign that we’ve done our job well.
The Strategy of Corporate Event Design: How We Make the Sexy Smart
At Kennedy Events, we love great event design, but we don’t simply design an event to be beautiful just for the sake of being beautiful. There’s an intense amount of strategy that goes into every detail. If you’ve ever attended our events, you may not have noticed this—and that’s the telltale sign that we’ve done our job well.
Event Signage: What It is and Why You Need It
Event signage may not be a sexy topic, but it’s one of the best ways to communicate key information with your attendees. We’re sharing use cases and various styles of signage in our latest blog post.
Secrets of a Corporate Event Planner: What you don't know about hotel contracts (but should)
When you’re planning a corporate event at a hotel, you need an agent on your side before signing the dotted line. We’re spilling everthing you should know, but probably don’t about hotel contracts.
How to Maximize your Catering Budget: Pick the Right Catering Style for Your Event
When you’re hosting a corporate event and want to break the internet without breaking the bank, pick the right catering style. We’re showing you how to maximize your catering budget in our latest post.
Building an Event Team with Even Higher Standards than Ours
Hiring the perfect team of event planners has been a thoughtful process at Kennedy Events, and we let Oceans 11 inspire our process.
Five Ways to Make Smart Spending Choices, No Matter Your Event Budget
Here at Kennedy Events, we know that even a million dollar event budget has limits. And when hosting an event, you’re faced with limitless options in every facet of the event. So one of our major roles in planning? Helping you make the most strategic use of your budget, no matter the size. =
Today, we’ve pulled together Spend and Splurge options for some of the most common elements of an event, like the food, decor, and entertainment.
How do you decide what you want areas to splurge on?
How to Get Key Stakeholders to Agree on your Event’s Goals
Events are SO much fun (of course we think so!), but we’re proponents of making sure that you’re event is more than pretty. We’re in favor of making sure that the effects of your event are going to last longer than the effects of the open bar will. And that’s where goal setting comes in.
We’ve talked a lot about goal setting on our blog before, from how to achieve your goals strategically before, during, and after an event, but today we’re taking a slightly different approach.
The Most Important Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring an Event Manager
It’s only February, but event prep season is coming up (we know, we’re just getting over the holidays too!). It may seem absurd to start planning now, but the year’s best events get planned months in advance, sometimes more than a year in advance.
And the very first step to planning your event (other than your venue, of course!)?
Finding the perfect event planner.
The One Thing You Need to Know to Create a Realistic Corporate Event Budget
Want to know the question we get asked most often?
What kind of event can I get for $XYZ,000?
It’s the million dollar question...literally.
But the truth is, we just don’t have a rinse and repeat and answer for that question. An event is so varied, so complex, that there is no set formula for what it might cost.
Our 2017 by the numbers
2017 has been a banner year for Kennedy Events. We’ve had one of our most exciting years in business yet, with the best clients an event planner could ask for, plus a new rebrand and website for ourselves
You're Not Ready to Have an Event
Sure, we talk about the how and why of events all the time here at Kennedy Events HQ. We love them!
But guess what? Not everybody is ready right.this.minute to host a live event...
Don't Let A Beautiful Event Go To Waste! (Part Three)
Today’s post is #3 in a 3-part series all about helping you get the most out of your event planning work by setting meaningful and measurable goals....
Don't Let A Beautiful Event Go To Waste! (Part Two)
Welcome to Post #2 in our 3-Part series that teaches you everything(ok, a lot!) we know about to set and measure goals for event success...
Five Ways to Get More from Your Event Expert
So, here’s the inside scoop. Some event planners are well suited to select the venue, recommend food and décor, and make things run smoothly. ..
Don't Let A Beautiful Event Go To Waste! (Part One)
Planning an event that isn’t just pretty and fun, but drives results to your company’s bottom line takes a lot of hard work from a dedicated group of people....
Hard Truths About Catering Costs
Our clients rely on our expertise for pricing and planning their events. When it comes to the costs of catering though, everyone’s an expert. Right? ...
The Formula For Nametag Success
Over at Conferences That Work, our friend and industry expert Adrian Segar has a long diatribe as well as pithy resources about what makes a nametag work....
Better Than Surveys—Interactive Event Feedback
While planning CrowdConf, the leading event for the crowdsourcing industry, we brainstormed this down and dirty list of ideas to make the event more memorable...