Team Introductions: Meet Event Admin Andrea

We are thrilled to welcome Andrea, our newest team member at Kennedy Events, who brings a dynamic blend of creativity, experience, and passion to our team. With a background rooted in event planning from a young age—thanks to her aunt’s catering business—Andrea has a natural talent for turning visions into unforgettable experiences. Her love for the final, polished moments of an event and her knack for problem-solving make her an invaluable addition. Outside of work, Andrea is a travel enthusiast, a nature lover, and a foodie, always eager to learn something new and bring fresh ideas to the table.

Kennedy Events: How did you get started in the events industry?

Andrea: I dove into the events world at just 18, thanks to my aunt who runs a catering business. I started by helping her out, and I quickly fell in love with the entire process. There's something magical about taking a client's vision and turning it into reality. It’s like weaving a dream into life, and I’ve always been drawn to that creative challenge.

What’s your favorite aspect of the event planning process? 

Hands down, my favorite part is seeing the final results. There’s nothing like that moment when all the hard work, stress, and endless details come together to create something beautiful. It's the ultimate reward—seeing the smiles, hearing the applause, and knowing that the team’s collective effort made it all happen.

What is your favorite event moment? 

One event that stands out was when I was working with PepsiCo in Mexico. We had a crisis with the burners—talk about a nightmare! But in the end, we solved it just in time, and the event was a success. That day, I learned the true meaning of quick thinking and problem-solving, and it’s a memory I’ll always cherish.

What’s one of your favorite events?

Oh, definitely my 16th birthday party! I planned it all myself, with a little help from my aunt and best friend. It was Hollywood-themed, complete with a red carpet, sushi bar, and custom invitations. We even had security! It was my first real taste of event planning, and I was hooked. I loved every moment of creating that special night.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

So far, the best part has been getting to know the team and learning from everyone. I’ve also been diving into new tools, and I have to say, Asana is quickly becoming my favorite. It’s colorful, friendly, and makes checking off tasks feel like a mini-celebration!

What are the five tools you can’t live without? These tools are my lifeline—they keep me organized, and on track and ensure I never miss a beat. Plus, Alexa’s gentle nudges to take a break are just what I need to avoid burnout.

  1. Google Calendar

  2. Asana

  3. Notes app

  4. Reminders app 

  5. Alexa 

Where do you find inspiration? 

Nature is my muse. Whether I’m walking near my home or exploring the beautiful woods in Chipinque, Monterrey, I find inspiration in the serenity and beauty of the outdoors. It’s amazing how a simple walk can clear my mind and spark new ideas.

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list?

Italy, without a doubt! I’ve already done a south-to-north trip from Naples to Venice, and I’m itching to go back. Italy is my happy place—the culture, the history, the food—it’s all just so captivating. I’m planning another trip soon, and I can’t wait to immerse myself in it all over again.

If you could choose a superpower what would it be? 

Teleportation, for sure! I love to travel, and being able to skip the airport lines and just appear wherever I want would be a dream come true. Imagine waking up in one country and having lunch in another—that’s the life!

What’s your typical weekend activity?

I’m currently learning to cook, which has been quite the adventure since I’ve always been more of an eater than a chef! My mom taught me how to make pasta from scratch, so I’ve been experimenting with that. I also do yoga, read, and I’m always on the lookout for something new to learn—like last month, I took a course on table setting!

What’s your comfort food? 

Chile en nogada. It’s my ultimate comfort food—it just brings me peace. Whenever I eat it, I’m in my happy place, savoring every bite in complete tranquility.

What’s your favorite after-hours activity?

I love to work out after a long day—it helps me unwind. Lately, though, I’ve been obsessed with watching the Olympics, especially synchronized swimming. The precision and grace are just mesmerizing! 

Ready to Learn More About What Our Team Can Bring to Your Event?

The team at Kennedy Events excels at incorporating opportunities to delight at every stage of the event planning process. With a clear roadmap to event success, we champion our knowledge, resources, and connections to ensure your event goes off without a hitch. Whether you’re planning a live, in-person event, something in the virtual realm, or a hybrid with virtual components, our event experts are here to guide you. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with us today.


Maggie Kennedy is the co-owner of Kennedy Events is a large-scale event management company based in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City. Our team creates stress-free conferences and events with a positive impact, which allows our clients to resonate with their audience. Kennedy Events specializes in producing flawless product launches, award ceremonies, fundraisers, and multi-day conferences while keeping our eye on retention and engagement goals.


About Kennedy Events

Kennedy Events began with one goal in mind—to produce high-level corporate events with just as much strategy as style. Maggie founded the company in 2000, found her match in Paige, and in 2011 the two became official partners. Since then, these two resourceful and brilliant creatives have pooled their strengths to build one one of the most the most sought after corporate event companies in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles.


Make sure that your event is as valuable to your company as it is meaningful to your attendee.


We’ve (nearly) done it all when it comes to large scale events.

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Maggie Kennedy

Maggie Kennedy is the co-owner of Kennedy Events is a large-scale event management company based in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City. Our team creates stress-free conferences and events with a positive impact, which allows our clients to resonate with their audience. Kennedy Events specializes in producing flawless product launches, award ceremonies, fundraisers, and multi-day conferences while keeping our eye on retention and engagement goals.


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